Online Privacy Videos

We are assembling a collection of privacy videos for our visitors to peruse to learn quickly about Online Privacy.

Google has prepared some excellent quality videos that explain some of these concepts clearly and in an expeditious fashion. We recommend that you watch these to learn more about online privacy.

Google's Privacy Overview

Google's video explanation about "Cookies"

Google Dashboard


No warranty is provided regarding the accuracy or adequacy of these generators for every situation. If you are not sure about any legal questions, or have any questions or doubts about a Privacy Policy, a Terms & Conditions or Terms of Service or Terms of Use contract or a Disclaimer or a Disclosure, you should consult with a lawyer or law firm specialized in digital communications law. These generators are provided to our site visitors as a free service and is intended to operate as a "guideline". No warranty or guarantee is given nor implied about its use as a comprehensive or even partial solution to legal and/or regulatory obligations and/or best practices.